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I have struggled with weight my entire life. From my time in the military to present day. I have tried many programs thru the years with success, but along the way something always knocked me down. From the time I was 38 till about a year and a half ago I was a gym rat. I got to a point where my body was so broken down I just could not get myself to even look at a gym. Through the years I have had back surgery, knee surgery and have spent the last 17 years climbing around business jets getting in some very awkward positions with lots of repetitive motions. My shoulder pain got so bad I had trouble sleeping. I went and had blood work done in Oct of 2013. the doctor gave me an a plus. I told him I wished my body felt as good as I apparently was on the inside. Even my doctor was surprised with my results. Here I was almost 300 lbs yet blood pressure, cholesterol were all good. I struggled with daily activities and knew it was time to do something.


That's when I visited Like most I was familiar with DDP thru wrestling. I could not believe how phenomenal he looked. I read more and more stories on the site. With each story I read I was more and more convinced this might work for me too. I mean, how could you not be impressed and motivated by Arthur? SO I told my wife I was going to give it a try. After 8 weeks of the program, I can't find enough adjectives to describe how this program has affected me. The one word I like is thankful. I'm thankful I found a program that works for a regular guy like myself. I had not been to a gym in over a year and a half due to different aches and pains. Sure, the first week was a bit of a struggle. I had never even attempted yoga before and to be honest would of laughed it off. It was simply amazing as each week has passed, my body gets better and better, and I am almost pain free. I quit with the junk food, fast food and tried to stay away from processed food and also tried a lot of gluten free and organic products. In the words of DDP my results have been phenomenal and beyond my wildest dreams. I'm down 45 lbs.


Yesterday I put on a pair of 42 inch levis. Its been a loooooooooooooooooooong time since I can say I have wore them. I have lost 6 inches in my waist. I work out 4 to 6 times a week and have even started incorporating the Diamond Cutter into my routine at least once a week. So as I sit writing this today, I am a healthier man then I have been in years. My body feels at least 10 to 15 years younger. I contribute all of this to DDP and the program you have developed, along with one of the best support groups on the net. I cannot say thank you enough.

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